In stock

H2T Womens Custom Made Wigs

$900.00 + Tax


    • $
    *Hair Color
    • $
    • $
    *Base Cap Construction Material
    • $
    • $
    • 40 $
    • 120 $
    • 280 $
    • 480 $
    • 240 $
    • 320 $
    • 440 $
    • 680 $
    • 800 $
    • $
    • $
    • $
    • $
    • $
    Some hair wearers have their own local stylist who will cut, style & fit.
    To have this done, you will need to book a Salon Service appointment time online after you have ordered your hair system and before we ship it - Prices will vary according to the specific hair system you have ordered.
SKU: HT2-CMHS-1 Categories: ,


H2T Custom Made Hair System

We offer a full line of technology-engineered hair systems that can be customised down to the smallest of details.

Our hair replacement consultants are experienced and well-versed in the design, development, manufacturing process of wigs, toupees, and hairpieces, together with a professional full-service salon and experienced stylists, you can rest assured that when you leave here wearing your new custom-made hair system, you will have never looked so good!

Every last detail is carefully adhered to in our advanced state of the art fully equipped factory. Your custom hair system will be hand sewn, manufactured and styled perfectly, and we guarantee this every time! We are committed to the science of custom hairpiece development.

We can confidently offer you the most advanced and natural-looking hair systems available on the market today.

Get started now with our simple online ordering system. If you need assistance at any time or don’t see what you want online, phone us or send us an email. Too happy to assist and answer any questions!

Expect perfection . . . and you won’t be disappointed!

Additional information

Weight 0.2 kg


Custom made – all specifications are unique to this order and are as per your choices –

Base Materials


Transparent & Invisible performance
Best used in front hairline
Durable, breathable and soft
The most durable base
Suitable for heavy density units
Less Breathable but also less hair knots than lace base
Offers the ultra thin skin base
V-loop technology to acheive natural looking
Soft and comfortable
Less durable than lace and mono base, but more invisible
Offers a fairly natural looking appearance as the hair appears to be growing directly from the skin strand by strand, no hair knots



Additional Information